Marketing your products and services is the lifeblood of a new business. While you can ultimately have all kinds of long term business strategies, without having a steady stream of new revenue your new business venture can close up in a short period of time. In my opinion, if you look at the three big areas of business: marketing, the actual product or service you are offering, and client service, marketing is the one driver that can help sustain a business even if the other two areas are slightly subpar. There are really two parts to the marketing plan. One section involves dealing with implementing strategies that will specifically drive new client acquisition. The other arena is building the brand of your new company. Many new entrepreneurs substantially underestimate the time and money it will take do marketing in the first year of their business. From a time perspective, your networking functions, community involvement, and meeting face to face with new prospects about your product or service will chew up...
Marketing your products and services is the lifeblood of a new business. While you can ultimately have all kinds of long term business strategies, without having a steady stream of new revenue your new business venture can close up in a short period of time. In my opinion, if you look at the three big areas of business: marketing, the actual product or service you are offering, and client service, marketing is the one driver that can help sustain a business even if the other two areas are slightly subpar. There are really two parts to the marketing plan. One section involves dealing with implementing strategies that will specifically drive new client acquisition. The other arena is building the brand of your new company. Many new entrepreneurs substantially underestimate the time and money it will take do marketing in the first year of their business. From a time perspective, your networking functions, community involvement, and meeting face to face with new prospects about your product or service will chew up...